Sunday, March 22, 2015

What is the Difference between a Crossdresser

 and a Transgender ? 

Bebos Petro
 One who just use female clothes to wear , just to live their fetishes but A crossdresser still feels like their assigned gender and likes to express the other gender's characteristics. They do not feel dysphoria about their gender or wish to change it. A crossdresser will spend time in both genders, usually spending time in the opposite gender at night or otherwise outside their normal life like their job.

One who not only wear female clothes but also live and act like a woman is a transgender . A Transgender feels dysphoria about their gender, like they're in the wrong body, and will often seek transition.They do not like the idea of going back to being their assigned gender after some time, and would rather permanently change physical gender. They will also perform tasks associated with this, such as changing name, legal gender, and throwing out old clothes.

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