Sunday, March 22, 2015

           Tips for Cross dressing:


- TAKE IT SLOW : don't hurry up and mess things up. Take time to learn things one at a time and be good at it. A good mascara always tell

- RELAX : let loose and just be yourself. You are trying to discover your inner feelings and at the same time have a great time

- SMALL THINGS MATTER : work on the details. They really matter a lot. This is what will really tell how serious you actually are about the whole thing B)

- NEVER PANIC : this is the most common mistakes that cross dressers make. Be confident to pull it off, Don't rush bold, be gentle n firm. Boost your feminine side and reflect outside.

- DON"T OVER DO IT - Nothing is good really if you do it too much. The presence just drops cold on the floor and breaks. Keep it clean and simple.

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