Sunday, March 22, 2015

      What Is Crossdressing ?

 The term "Cross-dressing" denotes an action or a behavior without attributing or implying any specific causes for that behavior. Some people automatically connect cross-dressing behavior to transgender identity or sexual, fetishist, and homosexual behavior, but the term itself does not imply any motives. Cross-dressing is most commonly practiced by heterosexual men.

Cross-dressing has been practiced throughout much of recorded history and in many societies. There are many examples in Norse and Hindu mythology. A reasonable number of historical figures are known to have cross-dressed to varying degrees and for a variety of reasons. There is a rich history of cross-dressing found in folklore, literature, theater, and music.

 There are many different kinds of cross-dressing like a man Crossdresses in woman or a woman crossdresses in man .There are many different reasons why an individual might engage in cross-dressing behavior.Some people cross-dress as a matter of comfort or style, out of personal preference for clothing associated with the opposite sex. In this case, a person's cross-dressing may or may not be apparent to other people. Some people cross-dress to shock others or challenge social Norms.

Simplistically speaking, a crossdresser is a person whose gender identification is with one sex but who wears the clothing of the opposite sex because the clothing is the clothing of the opposite sex. This is opposed to, say a woman, who wears a men's sweat suit because it is more comfortable or more convenient and not because it is a "man's garment." For a crossdresser, dressing it is not about comfort or convenience, but about the gender role that these garments are associated with. With many crossdressers, it is not just the clothes but also the mannerisms and the being in the role of the opposite sex. This is why some crossdressers do more than simply wear a bra and panties, but take great efforts to portray the opposite sex convincingly and participate socially as the opposite sex, even if only temporarily.


There are many reasons motivating a crossdresser to crossdress. Some of these reasons may include a sexual or fetishistic component, but the again, some of these reasons may have little to do with fetishism. Some crossdressers may have had some initial sexual response when dressing but no longer do so. Like a transsexual, a crossdresser may have some degree of gender dysphoria, which compels them to dress periodically but this gender dysphoria is not so strong or consistent as to compel them live full time as the opposite sex or have surgeries to alter their bodies. These motivations make for a very interesting discussion, but such a discussion is beyond the scope of this article. 

What are the Various Forms in Crossdressing?

Andrew Dragking
Drag is a special form of performance art based on the act of cross-dressing. A drag queen is usually a male-bodied person who performs as an exaggeratedly feminine character, in heightened costuming sometimes consisting of a showy dress, high-heeled shoes, obvious makeup, and wig. A drag queen may imitate famous female film or pop-music stars.

A Drag king is a counterpart of the drag queen but usually for much different audiences. A female-bodied person who adopt a masculine persona in performance or imitates a male film or pop-music star. Some female-bodied people undergoing gender reassignment therapy also self-identify as drag kings although this use of "drag king" would generally be considered inaccurate. 

Adore delano
A Transvestic fetishist is a person (typically a heterosexual male) who cross-dresses as part of a Sexual Fetish Sometimes either member of a heterosexual couple will crossdress in order to arouse the other. For example, the male might wear skirts or lingerie and/or the female will wear boxers or other male clothing

What is the Difference between a Crossdresser

 and a Transgender ? 

Bebos Petro
 One who just use female clothes to wear , just to live their fetishes but A crossdresser still feels like their assigned gender and likes to express the other gender's characteristics. They do not feel dysphoria about their gender or wish to change it. A crossdresser will spend time in both genders, usually spending time in the opposite gender at night or otherwise outside their normal life like their job.

One who not only wear female clothes but also live and act like a woman is a transgender . A Transgender feels dysphoria about their gender, like they're in the wrong body, and will often seek transition.They do not like the idea of going back to being their assigned gender after some time, and would rather permanently change physical gender. They will also perform tasks associated with this, such as changing name, legal gender, and throwing out old clothes.

        What are the Misconceptions on Crossdressing ?

Misconception 1: Crossdressers Begin Their Behavior in Adulthood

Some people who simply do not understand the act of crossdressing cannot fathom the idea that the need to do so begins at a young age. It is easier for these types of people to assume that it begins in adulthood. However, the truth is that for most people, especially men, begin to feel the pull towards crossdressing at a young age. Many male children, some as young as 4 or 5 years old, start wearing women’s clothing as a dress-up game. In some cases this behavior stops as they grow older, and in others it continues on into adulthood and becomes a lifelong behavior.

Misconception 2: Crossdressers are Made and Can be Cured

There is no solid proof of this, research is going on towards a genetic predisposal to crossdressing, which brings us to the second part of this misconception. Crossdressing cannot be cured and is not something that needs to be cured-unless of course the individual wishes to stifle their behavior.

Misconception 3: Crossdressers are Drag Queens that Look Like RuPaul

While all drag queens crossdress, not all crossdressers are drag queens. Queens are in a separate category altogether. The typical crossdresser wears the same type of clothing typical women wear; nothing elaborate.

Misconception 4: Crossdressers are Homosexuals and Do Not Like Women

Some homosexuals do crossdress, not all who crossdress are homosexual. The truth is that the majority of Crossdressers are married men who are as attracted to their wives as any typical man. According to many Crossdressers there are several advantages to being a straight crossdresser. The number one advantage is that they tend to become more understanding and sensitive when it comes to the women in their lives. So for some, crossdressing for some men is a way to get in touch with their feminine side and fully experience life.

       How cross dressing progresses? 

 It is just the variety of clothes, hair styles, jewelleries which attracts male, he feels jealous that he is not getting chance to try. Some time gets a chance to try and then starts liking.
Most of cross dressers starts from bathroom by trying female under garments.When the opportunity arises he will try nighty/gown of some female members.
Many wears female under garments starting from occasionally to daily under his regular male clothes.
Some try cross dressing out of curiosity and mostly abandon after few try.
Some try full fledge by taking part in drama, dance and other entertainment program and mostly accepted by relatives, friends & public in general.
Majority of cross dressers for any of the known / unknown reason once started, progresses in the journey of becoming as perfect a cross dresser as possible, depending upon the limitations of physical features. A very small percentage of them could get away from cross dressing due to counseling and medical treatment in very early stage.
Almost all cross dressers maintain a very fine balance of living both the life together. No one can say he is a cross dresser because his behavior is absolutely manly and he equally satisfies his wife.
As once remarked by Sunitaji, cross dressing is progresses by amount of opportunity one gets, the encouragement cross dresser get for her looks, style of clothes and womanly behaviour builds up confidence and by practice becomes a perfect cross dresser. SOme of the cross dressers are even better than real woman. I have always admired Radhaa mohan for her grace, beauty and feminity.
Less than 5% of cross dresser changes sex from male into female

What are the Advantages of Crossdressing ?

The Top 10 Hidden Beneffits of Crossdressing  or Being a Transgender Woman Behavior

Bebos Petro
1. It allows you to integrate the best of both genders into your personality.
2. It motivates you to stay in shape and take care of yourself. (A girl’s gotta look good, right?)
3. It makes you more empathetic towards women.
4. It brings you closer to the people who support you.
5. It’s easier to be faithful when *you* are the other woman (though I hope your empathy towards women would prevent you from cheating in the first place!).

6. It allows you to get to know yourself in a deep and meaningful way.
7. It makes you an interesting person. (Normal is boring!)
8. It gives you more compassion towards others who don’t fit the norms of society.
9. It offers a healthy and non-destructive way to relieve stress.

10. It makes you a more creative, resourceful, and courageous person than you might be otherwise. 



1.He always envies you because he would rather be wearing what you are wearing.
2.You can have a girlfriend as well as a boyfriend who doesn't mind waiting while you take your time shopping.
3.You can double your wardrobe if he's the same size as you!
4.You never have to worry about cheating on you with another woman. He IS the other woman!!
5.You always have a girlfriend to go shopping and have lunch with!!
6.While shopping, you can test a new shade of nail polish on him and he doesn't complain or asks to see a matching lipstick.
7.He will be sympathetic about your excess body hair.
8.He won't mind waiting on you or your girlfriends and he won't forget to curtsey.
9.If you need a slip for that new dress you bought and he happens to have the perfect one, and lets you borrow it.
10.You can switch off wearing the high heels while on a long shopping spree.
11.He loves to smell perfume and will give you an honest opinion.
12.He is a lot easier to buy gifts for.
13.He knows just the right way to make love, takes his time and knows just what makes you tick!
14.He will understand much better that the best thing a girl can have when she feels down is new clothes.
15.If he buy's you clothes, you know he sizes them right.
16.You can take him to the hair salon with you and he will sit quietly while you both get your hair done and he will never complain. In fact he will thank you.
17.The only time he will ever care if you wear curlers to bed is if he has to wear the oversized rollers.
18.He understands why you don't care for spending 8 hours a day in pantyhose and high heels. 19.You have a girlfriend who doesn't get PMS.
20.He will not only shop with you but pay the bill as well!
21.He knows how to handle delicates when he does the laundry.
22.Satin and velvet are more snuggly than denim and wool.
23.He understands the need for quality cosmetics.
24.You have even more excuses to go shopping, and he will even carry the bags.
25.You can borrow his jewelry, clothes & makeup.
26.He no longer expect you to get ready for a night on the town in 15 minutes or less.
27.You can take the Cosmo quizzes together.
28.You can ask him how an outfit looks, and get an intelligent response.
29.His new friends don't spend all day watching football.
30.He knows to walk slow when you're wearing heels.
31.If he says "Hon, you look nice." you know he really means it.
32.He can spot makeup smudges better than any other guy.
33.He loves to go shopping with you and watch you try on clothes.
34.He knows how to treat a lady with care, sensitivity and respect.
35.He's a girl friend that will stick around and won't flake out on you or stab you in the back.
36.He loves to dress up and have long chat sessions.
37.Dress him up in a French Maid's Uniform and you have a house cleaner for the day.


           Tips for Cross dressing:


- TAKE IT SLOW : don't hurry up and mess things up. Take time to learn things one at a time and be good at it. A good mascara always tell

- RELAX : let loose and just be yourself. You are trying to discover your inner feelings and at the same time have a great time

- SMALL THINGS MATTER : work on the details. They really matter a lot. This is what will really tell how serious you actually are about the whole thing B)

- NEVER PANIC : this is the most common mistakes that cross dressers make. Be confident to pull it off, Don't rush bold, be gentle n firm. Boost your feminine side and reflect outside.

- DON"T OVER DO IT - Nothing is good really if you do it too much. The presence just drops cold on the floor and breaks. Keep it clean and simple.


    Photo tips for crossdresser 


1.“Do apply make-up in the lighting you’ll be photographed in so it’s not too heavy,” says Factor. “For natural light, avoid sparkle -- it accentuates fine lines and ages you.”
2. “Do use a light-reflecting concealer (like Make Up For Ever HD Concealer) to combat undereye shadows,” he says.
3 “Don’t wear too much blush,” and blend it in really well.
4. “Do use an anti-shine product to keep skin matte. Oily skin looks shinier in pictures taken with flash.”
5. “Do cheat the camera.” Stand sideways, cross your legs to slim the body, and twist your shoulders to face the photographer. “Definitely don’t stand dead-on,” he advises.
6. “Don’t chew gum. You’ll get snapped mid-chomp.”
7. “Do mind your posture. Confidence shines through in every photo, so bring it!”

Saturday, March 15, 2014

10 Makeup Tips You Should Steal From Drag Queens

1. Live for those lashes -

 Don’t fear the falsies! They add drama and feminize your face. Tip: let the glue set for 15 seconds before placing the lashes, and then seal with a liquid liner .

2. Perfect your SHADE -

The perfect concealer can mask anything. Use one that has the tint you need; orange to mask bluish circles, yellow for purplish, and green for redness!

3. Glitter’s a go -

Not gung-ho on glitter? A shimmer powder can add sparkle without looking like a disco ball. It can set lipstick, help blend contouring, and provide extra highlighting.

4. Plump that pout -

Give the illusion of a plumper pout by applying lighter lipstick onto the center of your lips and blending out. Seal with your favorite lip gloss. 

5. Make your eyes read gorgeous -

Lining your eyes in white along the waterline or dabbing shimmer in the corners can instantly make you look more awake and your eyes appear bigger.

6. Bigger the Hair , Better the gurl -

The bigger the hair, the smaller the rest of you looks. Plus, big hair is the light switch to sassiness, so put that puppy on high beam.

7. Enhance with contouring -

Contouring is a makeup illusion drag queens have mastered. Accentuate features like your jaw and cheekbones to create the definition you want — no surgery required!

8. It’s all about the highlighting -

A lighter shade of concealer or shimmer powder on the brow bone and cheekbones gives your natural bone structure an extra oomph to command necessary attention.

9. Maintain that flawlessness all night -

After you’ve said “yaaass” to your finished work, set your makeup with translucent setting powder or spray — this mattifies the look and keeps oil in check.

10. Be Fierce, and HAVE FUN!

Don’t look at makeup as a means of hiding flaws — it’s meant to play up your best feature… that fierce, fierce, fierce confidence.